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Psychic Academy

A series of trainings for you to finally get your psychic skills to work for you and not against you
1) 15 chakras and 15 clairs
2) Feminine arts and psychic gifts
3) Astral travel and lucid dreaming
Extra: Psychic protection
Being a psychic should not feel like a burden or something boring, it is meant to help you develop your highest potential and mandatory for a real 5d life
Meet Valeria
"I focused on healing, and noticed how my body was related to things I was experiencing, years later I learned about spiritual science which allowed me to be more precise, specific, I received techniques from my parallel selves to work with my clairs, I realized that I NEED these skills to be active in this life, someone like me, born in my particular challenging situation, with my interests and particular live experiences…I NEEDED MY CLAIRS, IT WAS NOT NEGOTIABLE" READ MY COMPLETE HISTORY DOWN

Perfecting my psychic development has allowed me to:
Solo traveling in different countries, for example 3 past months in Iran, Navigate my twin flame journey, growing my spititual biz, doing psychic readings for clients around the world, satiating my need for the occult by using my clairs and psychic developments to learn about it and more!
Courses in Detail
1) 15 chakras and 15 clairs
you will work and activate your 15 chakras from spiritual science teachings (these are different from the typical 12 chakras mentioned in new age) 
2) Feminine arts in psychic development 
-Oracular priestesses (reading from the womb) 
-womb oracle, holding more vissions 
-connection between womb and third eye
-the feminine chakras for psychic perception
-heart chakra, being well in time, avoiding mistakes, discerning inorganic timelines 
-intuition vs fear vs fantasy 
-root chakra practice for grounding psychic information 
-clitoris and third eye connection 

Why feminine arts for the psychic? Our physical body must be able to hold more: more activations, insight, energetic packs with new information and ligh...the more the body can hold the more psychic information you will be able to access like specific details, names of ancient places, memories, answers and so on. (men can also benefit from this training working with the energetic womb that we all have)

3) Astral Travel and Lucid dreaming 
Preparing the DNA 
Practical Steps
Guided exercises and practices
traveling to stars-using stargates
unlocking seals for astral travel
These are Galactic Priestesses arts, we are doing advanced psychic training + considering the feminine and the starseed part
This is for you if:
You already work with your clairs or psychic perception for you and/or in service to others, you do readings or want tu channel information, galactic history, resolve mysteries, etc 
You want to go deeper and start from the basics that you might have overlooked, so that you feel 100% secure on what you are doing
You want to connect deeper your physical body and senses with your energetic body or chakras to get the direct experience
-You want to receive correct psychic information
-Your psychic perception has been awaken even if you did not want to and now you have to do something about it 
-You want to honor your clairs as are god given gifts, but without suffering, without diminishing your well being.
-Being able to live your day to day in harmony doing 3d things as you live from your 5d life being helped and guided by your psychic perception 
-You want to let go of the perception that this being your gift is bad lack, you are meant to be poor, your life will be boring, etc
-1 course: 189 usd
-3 courses:  ̶5̶6̶7̶ usd: discount at only 299 usd
-If you sign up for the 3 courses before 11/11 , receive for free the Psychic Protection course (not available for separate purchase)
*This complete bundle (4 courses) is included for FREE at the Galactic Priestess Training
My complete history

My psychic perception, clairs, especially clairvoyance awakened as I was very young, I remember seeing awful beings and having scary experiences as I had a huge trauma body, I prayed for them to go away as I was not able to live a decent life and they did…for a while, but a part of me was deeply desiring to connect with this aspect of myself, since very young I loved occult themes, mysteries, taboo themes, going to tarot readings just because I loved the cards, I wanted answers (I am very curious soul) and I knew my psychic perception was able to help me, but this time it had to be different, my clairs should help me instead of sabotage my journey, so I started a journey of self-knowledge in the psychic aspect, I focused on healing, and noticed how my body was related to things I was experiencing, years later I learned about spiritual science which allowed me to be more precise, specific, I received techniques from my parallel selves to work with my clairs, I realized that I NEED these skills to be active in this life, someone like me, born in my particular challenging situation, with my interests and particular live experiences…I NEEDED MY CLAIRS, IT WAS NOT NEGOTIABLE, we, lightworkers, starseeds need this tool kit, that is why our clairs awaken.

So…I started to be sovereign, I learned to astral travel at will, when I wanted, and to sleep as a baby whenever I needed that.

If you have past live contracts because of trauma regarding being a psychic, or if you are doing deep psychic work in parallel lives, of course your clairs will want to awaken in this life again, but it is important that you purify yourself and learn the necessary training so that they can help your day to day, and if you so desire, you can also use them to serve humanity!


If you resonate with my story or part of my story this academy is for you!

Psychic gifts can empower you, they have helped me through so many different things in my life

Course format

You will receive access to material (videos and PDF) for each course, lifetime access, plus the space to ask me questions in the comment section

First 2 courses will be ready on november and the other 2 in december.

Benefits of developing your psychic perception more:

-Make choices fast in your day to day

-Making important choices for the long run

-Improving your connection with your twin flame

-Making the most out of astral travel instead of being always tired

-Integrate your psychic perception in your day to day so that they help you instead of making your life harder

-Improve your finances, you can directly work with these gifts as a job (doing readings, sharing youtube videos, etc) or working with them to make the best choices for your business or job and to find better opportunities.

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Galactic Rose Temple™️
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Legal Disclaimer: At no time should this services be considered as medical or financial advice, if you need psychological, medical, legal services you need to look for them where it corresponds.You are always responsible for your choices. No guarantees are given in any form. By purchasing my services and watching my free content you agree to this terms and conditions.

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